
Early Career Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Victoria

src: UVic site

1. Why do you enjoy teaching?

2. In your opinion, what makes a good teacher?

3. What advice do you have for students who are struggling in their classes?

4. Do you have any lessons you’ve learned through, or about, teaching that you’d like to share?

5. What advice do you have for a colleague who is thinking about applying for a teaching award

6. Is there anythng else you’d like to share about teaching?

Expert Testimony

Witness, House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence. Zoom. May 9, 2022. – Click to view in new window

Witness, Standing Committee on National Security and Defence, Senate of Canada. Zoom. March 28, 2022. – Click to view in new window

Lectures and Public Events

“Beyond a Bed for a Night: The Limits of Humanitarianism for Responding to Domestic Disasters.” Climate Change Displacement Dialogue. York University. October 23, 2024.

Panel on “Climate and Human Security: Intersecting Risks and Priorities for Action.” Montreal Climate Security Summit. CDA Institute and the NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence. Montreal, QC. October 29, 2024.

Pacific Climate Security Conference at the University of Victoria, Feb 1 2024

Presentation, “International Security Challenges in the North,” Kingston Consortium for International Security (KCIS) Conference, November 3, 2022.

Interview, “Part 2: Security Challenges of Climate Change for Northern Indigenous Communities,” CDA Institute Expert Series, October 26, 2022.

Interview, “Part 1: Every Region of Canada is Vulnerable to Climate Insecurity,” CDA Institute Expert Series, July 28, 2022.

Lecture, “Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot: Politics and Transformation in the Global Arctic.” UVic Elders Academy. Zoom. March 6, 2021.
Book Roundtable, “Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic,” North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network. Zoom. March 18, 2021.
Lecture, “Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot: Politics and Transformation in the Global Arctic.” Explore UVic Recruitment Event. February 25, 2021.

Lecture, “Climate Change and Canada’s Security Interests.” The Year Ahead 2020: A Strategic Outlook for Security, Intelligence, and Defence for Canada. Centre for Security, Intelligence, and Defence Studies, Ottawa ON. December 6, 2019.

In The News

Press Mentions