Dr. Greaves teaches courses and supervises graduate students in the areas of international relations, Arctic and environmental politics, Canadian foreign policy and global security. In 2022, he received the University of Victoria’s Social Sciences Early Career Teaching Excellence Award.
Study leave July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Courses previously taught
- POLI 103: The Worlds of Politics
- POLI 240: International Politics
- POLI 323: Politics and Film
- POLI 326: Politics of the Global Arctic
- POLI 346: Canadian Foreign Policy
- POLI 433/533: “Causes of War and Peace” (Seminar)
- POLI 440/533: “Understanding Global Security” (Seminar)
Thailand Field School
In 2023 and 2024, Dr. Greaves is co-teaching an experiential learning field school on environment and development in northern Thailand. Supported by funding from the Government of Canada, this course offered by the Department of Political Science, Global Development Studies Program, and Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives provides a unique chance for students at the University of Victoria to experience international educational opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. Read more about it here: https://www.uvic.ca/news/topics/2023+field-school-thailand+news.

The teaching team for the 2023 Thailand Field School (L to R): Will Greaves, Katie Dey, Robyn Fila, and Songkrant Pongboonjun